The journey home yesterday was pretty easy, thanks to platform assistance from the rail company, and a borrowed wheelchair.
I was home for about half an hour when things took an eventful turn. My dad had picked us up from the station and came in for a chat. Hubby and daughter went out for a few mins, when dad had a coughing fit , stood up, fainted and banged his head. He is absolutely fine,thank goodness, but in my panic I totally forgot about my hip, leapt up and 'ran/limped/lurched' about 7 steps across the room without my crutches! It was only when he came around, and I knew he was ok, that I realised what I had done. The pain then was unbearable. I managed to get back to the sofa, but was in agony. After a few mins my leg started going into spasms and I was really scared that I had done something serious. Hubby came back then, was not happy, but got me some meds and ice and after a while things felt a bit easier.
I didn't sleep much that night, and decided I would ring the sec the today and if necessary get xrays done locally and email them through. First thing this morning it was still too painful to put any weight through (am allowed 50%) but it has improved as the day has gone on. I still think I might ring the sec tomorrow just for reassurance, otherwise I am going to spend the next 6 weeks worrying. I am pretty sure I haven't done anything, other than upset the muscles a bit, and can't believe I was so stupid in the first place, but it was just a natural reaction, I guess. I know a couple of other girls that have done similar things, and have the same surgeon, and everything has turned out fine-I think we just like to test his skills to the limit!