Sunday, 30 October 2011

Hands free :)

9.5 weeks post op
I went to see my new physio, who was excellent. She was extremely thorough and really knows her stuff. Its a long way to travel to see her, but hoping its all going to be worth it in the long run. My hips are now surgically as good as they can get, so its time to get lefty strong again, and iron out a few ongoing problems on the right (with the PTs help) so I can start living life to the max again.
I have been off crutches almost completely for the last few days. I am doing 3x30mins of exercises and stretching, approx 15 mins on the bike, and a walk of around 45 mins each day. The only time I need one crutch is for the walk. I even managed to muck out one of the horses the last couple of days....not exactly taking it easy, but I didn't do any of the heavy stuff! My new gym membership starts this week, so looking forward to adding some water exercises too. My left hip is weak, but pain free, just a little bit of discomfort if I overdo it. I have more problems now with the knee on my right, which isn't tracking right, poss due to muscle imbalances from my previous surgeries. I think it is also protesting after being the stronger side for the last couple of months and working harder than normal. Hopefully physio will sort that out too, because I have had enough of going under the knife.
I am really looking forward to starting the gym and building up enough strength to begin proper workouts and going cycling again next year. My Xmas list is going to be full of walking and cycling accessories ready for the spring.
We altered the clocks last night, so are now going into dark nights and winters approaching. This gives me exactly 6 months to build up my strength and fitness ready for the next clock change and light summer nights full of activity.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

8 weeks....great progress and a rant to follow!

8 weeks post-op and I feel absolutely great.
I had my first post-op appointment last week, and it was really really good. Mr Witt was very pleased with the healing of the bones, and the overall strength in my hip. I did get rumbled when he asked me to do straight leg raises and side leg raises then he asked.... have you already been doing these? er, yes, just a few! lol! Luckily he didn't ask if I had already tried walking with one crutch ;) but he did comment on how well I was walking, so I am sure he guessed. He passed me to be on one crutch officially now, and to wean off over the next three weeks. I am allowed to drive YEYY!!, swim and use a stationary bike adding a cross trainer in a month.
He also told me to do loads of hamstring stretches as the sciatic nerve seems to be getting caught in the back of the hip.
I am way further on than he would expect at this stage, so he doesn't need to see me again for another 4 months which is great news. I came out with the biggest grin ever on my face.
Now the rant.....
My local PT is hopeless. I saw her today, had a few queries which she looked blankly at, and kept asking for a protocol. She is very nice, but I think a little phased by the PAO...thats fine but I wish they would admit that and refer me to someone else. All she has done is given me one extra exercise to do (that a fellow hippy informs me is not allowed) and said I will see you in three weeks. We discussed my return to work, she wants me to do less than I want to do, which is fine and I respect her opinion but what I did object to is being told that "you have had a lot of money invested in your hips, dont mess it up by trying to do too much!" I am well aware, and very grateful that my surgeries have cost the NHS a lot of money. They have also cost me a few thousand in train fares , hotel rooms and loss of wages not to mention the pain involved, and I have no intention of messing anything up. I came away feeling like a chastised child!!
I have been recommended an excellent private physio that I am considering visiting. The only problem is its a three hour round trip to do this, but I think it will be worth it, even if I just see her a few times, maybe once a month.It would be a refreshing change to talk to a physio that knows what a PAO involves, understands hip issues and doesn't look at me blankly when I ask a question.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Milestones so far

Thought I should list some of the things I can /can't do at 6 week
I was able to shave my legs and paint my toenails at around the three week mark.
I can vacuum (from three weeks, but much easier now), do all housework except stuff that needs squatting. Can prepare all meals, and have done since weeks 3-4. I can lift my leg in/out the car without hands from around 4 weeks. I ditched the shower stool and toilet seat risers at 4 weeks, and haven't used them since.
I cant drive,but only because I haven't got the all clear from the consultant. I actually think I could manage no problem. I can crutch for about 20mins before things get uncomfortable, but can manage for longer with pit stops. I can't sleep through the night yet, without waking up to change positions. That's the most painful thing at the moment, and sometimes I take a mild painkiller before bed, just to ensure I will get a few hours comfortable sleep.
All in all I am pretty pleased with where I am at this point, and looking forward to the next major improvements once I get the go ahead to weight bear.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

6 Weeks post-op!

Well, I can't believe I have already got to six weeks!
I had a fabulous few days away last weeks, with gorgeous weather for the UK-very unusual for the end of September. We spent lots of time relaxing, and eating far too much in some lovely restaurants over looking the river. It was a much needed change of scenery and I had a great time. I did quite a lot of crutching around, and was pretty sore for a few days after getting home, but everything has settled down again now.
I have some pain around the ischial/hamstring area, very similar to what I experienced last time around, so am trying to stretch my hamstrings a bit to try and ease this. Apart from that, the only pain I have is trying to turn over on a night-again something I remember from before, so nothing to be concerned about.
I am still 50% WB on two crutches until I see Mr Witt at the end of next week. Secretly I have been using one crutch when I need to carry things in the house-but trying not to go over the 50% as much as possible. I did take a sneaky three steps yesterday, just to see how it felt, and how bad my limp was. It felt fine, but limp was er... pretty bad. I shan't try it again until I get the official go ahead, but getting excited to get to the stage where I can drop one crutch.
I saw OT at work yesterday, and although they really have no idea what a PAO is,they have agreed to let me go back once I can manage on one crutch, and when Mr W is happy. They suggested week 8, but I think I would be happier around week 10, and my job involves lots of standing, walking , bending and lifting so am slightly nervous at going in as early as that anyway. I have promised myself that if I can't manage I will take more time off until around week 12-14.
So just on countdown now, another 10 days until my trip down to London for x-rays and follow-up and hopefully the strengthening can begin. :)