9.5 weeks post op
I went to see my new physio, who was excellent. She was extremely thorough and really knows her stuff. Its a long way to travel to see her, but hoping its all going to be worth it in the long run. My hips are now surgically as good as they can get, so its time to get lefty strong again, and iron out a few ongoing problems on the right (with the PTs help) so I can start living life to the max again.
I have been off crutches almost completely for the last few days. I am doing 3x30mins of exercises and stretching, approx 15 mins on the bike, and a walk of around 45 mins each day. The only time I need one crutch is for the walk. I even managed to muck out one of the horses the last couple of days....not exactly taking it easy, but I didn't do any of the heavy stuff! My new gym membership starts this week, so looking forward to adding some water exercises too. My left hip is weak, but pain free, just a little bit of discomfort if I overdo it. I have more problems now with the knee on my right, which isn't tracking right, poss due to muscle imbalances from my previous surgeries. I think it is also protesting after being the stronger side for the last couple of months and working harder than normal. Hopefully physio will sort that out too, because I have had enough of going under the knife.
I am really looking forward to starting the gym and building up enough strength to begin proper workouts and going cycling again next year. My Xmas list is going to be full of walking and cycling accessories ready for the spring.
We altered the clocks last night, so are now going into dark nights and winters approaching. This gives me exactly 6 months to build up my strength and fitness ready for the next clock change and light summer nights full of activity.