Thursday, 15 December 2011


Well, I am around the 16 week mark, and things couldn't be better.
My left, most recently operated side is behaving really well is is more or less pain free the majority of the time,just a little discomfort if it gets really tired or its very cold.
The right hip is still causing a few problems with muscle tightness causing some knee pain due to it not tracking properly, and the hip flexor gets sore at times but my physio is helping with those issues using deep tissue massage, acupuncture and cupping. Hopefully there will be some improvement as both sides get strongerand my muscle imbalances improve.
I am able to work without painkillers and work out regulary at the gym. :)
This week I swam 50 lengths in one session. Today I managed to do 40 mins cardio in the gym (bike, treadmill walking and the cross trainer) some upper and lower body weights, then 30 mins (35 lengths ) in the pool. This followed a 5 hour shift at work and then I ended the day with 2 hours of Christmas shopping....still pain free. I am so pleased to be able to accomplish all of that, compared to where i was 3 years ago, unable to walk ten mins without aids, or even 4 months ago,when I was unable to leave the house without being drugged up with strong meds.
This recovery has been so straightforward compared to the first one. I have been fortunate to have such an amazing surgeon, a really good physio that has made such a difference this time, and a supportive hubby and family. I have worked so hard at my recovery, hoping that this will be the last surgery for a very long time, and now I am reaping the benefits. All that is left now is for my strength to continue to improve, and for me to regain the muscle mass and cardio fitness that I had prior to my hip pain and the journey of Arthroscopies and PAOs that followed.