Thursday, 15 December 2011


Well, I am around the 16 week mark, and things couldn't be better.
My left, most recently operated side is behaving really well is is more or less pain free the majority of the time,just a little discomfort if it gets really tired or its very cold.
The right hip is still causing a few problems with muscle tightness causing some knee pain due to it not tracking properly, and the hip flexor gets sore at times but my physio is helping with those issues using deep tissue massage, acupuncture and cupping. Hopefully there will be some improvement as both sides get strongerand my muscle imbalances improve.
I am able to work without painkillers and work out regulary at the gym. :)
This week I swam 50 lengths in one session. Today I managed to do 40 mins cardio in the gym (bike, treadmill walking and the cross trainer) some upper and lower body weights, then 30 mins (35 lengths ) in the pool. This followed a 5 hour shift at work and then I ended the day with 2 hours of Christmas shopping....still pain free. I am so pleased to be able to accomplish all of that, compared to where i was 3 years ago, unable to walk ten mins without aids, or even 4 months ago,when I was unable to leave the house without being drugged up with strong meds.
This recovery has been so straightforward compared to the first one. I have been fortunate to have such an amazing surgeon, a really good physio that has made such a difference this time, and a supportive hubby and family. I have worked so hard at my recovery, hoping that this will be the last surgery for a very long time, and now I am reaping the benefits. All that is left now is for my strength to continue to improve, and for me to regain the muscle mass and cardio fitness that I had prior to my hip pain and the journey of Arthroscopies and PAOs that followed.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

PT, hydro and updates

Reading last weeks update all that exercises was slightly too much and I ended up sore and using one crutch again over the weekend.
Monday was back in the gym, this time did the bike for 5 mins on an increased resistance and the cross trainer for 10mins as an introduction. The cross trainer felt great, but the bike stressed my right knee a little, Followed by the pool for 20 lengths and a few hydro exercises.
Tuesday I saw my private physio, who advised me to stop pushing my knee to my chest quite so much as this might be irritating the hip capsule, which makes a lot of sense, and gave me lots more stretches and glute strengthening to do. I think that probably swimming is adding to that, so may cut back on that too for now.
Then I stayed and did a hip hydro class, which was great because it refreshed my memory and gave me some new pool exercises to try. These included pool walking with a woggle, but activating the glutes at the same time to ensure they are firing properly, and sitting on a woggle and doing a cycling action up and down the pool. The latter exercise was really good, and I am hoping I can swallow my pride , invest in a woggle and do some 'cycling' up and down my gym pool......I feel some funny looks coming my way!!
I was absolutely shattered when I got home, and definitely feeling it today. I have just seen my local NHS physio, what a waste of time!! She has done absolutely nothing for me. Today she checked my ROM and strength, asked about stamina, told me not to return to work for more than 3 hours at a time (ok, that makes sense) but to get my wellies on and go walking around the dales!! Apparently the hills will be good for my glutes!! Yeah right!! Maybe in 6 weeks time, but I can barely do 30mins on the flat, never mind climbing hills!! I won't be seeing her again, and I am so glad I have the experience and advice of the private one. Where post-op PT is concerned, the NHS have really let me down this time.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

10 Weeks post-op, and loving life!

Wow!! Already 10 weeks after my PAO.
I am still amazed at how well this recovery is going. I am off all crutches and walking aids and doing the following each day;
2 x 30 mins physio exercises-stretches and strengthening.
15 mins on the exercise bike, with added resistance.
45 mins walk
45 mins in the pool, approx 30 mins swimming (breast stroke and front crawl) and 15 mins hydro exercises.
Hip is feeling really good, has virtually no pain just lacks stamina and is weak. Looking forward to going back to work at three months post-op, and making the most of the last couple of weeks at home to get as strong as possible as I know it wont be as easy to concentrate so much on exercising once I'm back in the real world.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Hands free :)

9.5 weeks post op
I went to see my new physio, who was excellent. She was extremely thorough and really knows her stuff. Its a long way to travel to see her, but hoping its all going to be worth it in the long run. My hips are now surgically as good as they can get, so its time to get lefty strong again, and iron out a few ongoing problems on the right (with the PTs help) so I can start living life to the max again.
I have been off crutches almost completely for the last few days. I am doing 3x30mins of exercises and stretching, approx 15 mins on the bike, and a walk of around 45 mins each day. The only time I need one crutch is for the walk. I even managed to muck out one of the horses the last couple of days....not exactly taking it easy, but I didn't do any of the heavy stuff! My new gym membership starts this week, so looking forward to adding some water exercises too. My left hip is weak, but pain free, just a little bit of discomfort if I overdo it. I have more problems now with the knee on my right, which isn't tracking right, poss due to muscle imbalances from my previous surgeries. I think it is also protesting after being the stronger side for the last couple of months and working harder than normal. Hopefully physio will sort that out too, because I have had enough of going under the knife.
I am really looking forward to starting the gym and building up enough strength to begin proper workouts and going cycling again next year. My Xmas list is going to be full of walking and cycling accessories ready for the spring.
We altered the clocks last night, so are now going into dark nights and winters approaching. This gives me exactly 6 months to build up my strength and fitness ready for the next clock change and light summer nights full of activity.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

8 weeks....great progress and a rant to follow!

8 weeks post-op and I feel absolutely great.
I had my first post-op appointment last week, and it was really really good. Mr Witt was very pleased with the healing of the bones, and the overall strength in my hip. I did get rumbled when he asked me to do straight leg raises and side leg raises then he asked.... have you already been doing these? er, yes, just a few! lol! Luckily he didn't ask if I had already tried walking with one crutch ;) but he did comment on how well I was walking, so I am sure he guessed. He passed me to be on one crutch officially now, and to wean off over the next three weeks. I am allowed to drive YEYY!!, swim and use a stationary bike adding a cross trainer in a month.
He also told me to do loads of hamstring stretches as the sciatic nerve seems to be getting caught in the back of the hip.
I am way further on than he would expect at this stage, so he doesn't need to see me again for another 4 months which is great news. I came out with the biggest grin ever on my face.
Now the rant.....
My local PT is hopeless. I saw her today, had a few queries which she looked blankly at, and kept asking for a protocol. She is very nice, but I think a little phased by the PAO...thats fine but I wish they would admit that and refer me to someone else. All she has done is given me one extra exercise to do (that a fellow hippy informs me is not allowed) and said I will see you in three weeks. We discussed my return to work, she wants me to do less than I want to do, which is fine and I respect her opinion but what I did object to is being told that "you have had a lot of money invested in your hips, dont mess it up by trying to do too much!" I am well aware, and very grateful that my surgeries have cost the NHS a lot of money. They have also cost me a few thousand in train fares , hotel rooms and loss of wages not to mention the pain involved, and I have no intention of messing anything up. I came away feeling like a chastised child!!
I have been recommended an excellent private physio that I am considering visiting. The only problem is its a three hour round trip to do this, but I think it will be worth it, even if I just see her a few times, maybe once a month.It would be a refreshing change to talk to a physio that knows what a PAO involves, understands hip issues and doesn't look at me blankly when I ask a question.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Milestones so far

Thought I should list some of the things I can /can't do at 6 week
I was able to shave my legs and paint my toenails at around the three week mark.
I can vacuum (from three weeks, but much easier now), do all housework except stuff that needs squatting. Can prepare all meals, and have done since weeks 3-4. I can lift my leg in/out the car without hands from around 4 weeks. I ditched the shower stool and toilet seat risers at 4 weeks, and haven't used them since.
I cant drive,but only because I haven't got the all clear from the consultant. I actually think I could manage no problem. I can crutch for about 20mins before things get uncomfortable, but can manage for longer with pit stops. I can't sleep through the night yet, without waking up to change positions. That's the most painful thing at the moment, and sometimes I take a mild painkiller before bed, just to ensure I will get a few hours comfortable sleep.
All in all I am pretty pleased with where I am at this point, and looking forward to the next major improvements once I get the go ahead to weight bear.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

6 Weeks post-op!

Well, I can't believe I have already got to six weeks!
I had a fabulous few days away last weeks, with gorgeous weather for the UK-very unusual for the end of September. We spent lots of time relaxing, and eating far too much in some lovely restaurants over looking the river. It was a much needed change of scenery and I had a great time. I did quite a lot of crutching around, and was pretty sore for a few days after getting home, but everything has settled down again now.
I have some pain around the ischial/hamstring area, very similar to what I experienced last time around, so am trying to stretch my hamstrings a bit to try and ease this. Apart from that, the only pain I have is trying to turn over on a night-again something I remember from before, so nothing to be concerned about.
I am still 50% WB on two crutches until I see Mr Witt at the end of next week. Secretly I have been using one crutch when I need to carry things in the house-but trying not to go over the 50% as much as possible. I did take a sneaky three steps yesterday, just to see how it felt, and how bad my limp was. It felt fine, but limp was er... pretty bad. I shan't try it again until I get the official go ahead, but getting excited to get to the stage where I can drop one crutch.
I saw OT at work yesterday, and although they really have no idea what a PAO is,they have agreed to let me go back once I can manage on one crutch, and when Mr W is happy. They suggested week 8, but I think I would be happier around week 10, and my job involves lots of standing, walking , bending and lifting so am slightly nervous at going in as early as that anyway. I have promised myself that if I can't manage I will take more time off until around week 12-14.
So just on countdown now, another 10 days until my trip down to London for x-rays and follow-up and hopefully the strengthening can begin. :)

Friday, 23 September 2011

4 weeks, PT and Cabin Fever!

Over 4 weeks post-op already, those days in the hospital seem like a distant (thank god!) memory.
I have been off all painkillers for about 4 days. I have very little pain at all now, except some slight discomfort when crutching or at night. I still wake several times a night to change positions. My sciatic nerve still feels bruised, and any pressure on the back of my leg can be painful, plus it causes some pain in my foot at night, but nothing that's not manageable. I have cheated slightly and tried a couple of times with one crutch, but when I used the scales to check I am slightly over the 50% WB allowed, so am trying to be good and not push that....unless I really need a spare hand for something. ;)
Had my first Physio session yesterday. She was actually really good, and seemed to know her stuff and wasn't fazed (or seemed not to be) by the PAO. The disappointing part was, being connected with my local surgery, there wasn't any equipment in the room other than a fitness ball. I am used to hospital PT departments, where they have loads of equipment at there fingertips, and really hope my recovery isn't going to be affected by lack of facilities. I do have a health insurance so plan to use the private physio route with that if this one isn't enough.
She wasn't able to do that much with me until I am fully WB and have had my 8 week xrays. I did expect that, but at the same time was disappointed because I am raring to go, and wanted more to do. She corrected my technique on a couple of things, and added a couple more simple exercises, but thats it until I see her again after my follow-up, so have to wait 4 weeks. :(
So, I am all good.......except for a major case of cabin fever!! I am missing work, driving and my Independence. Why is it, when we are in the full swing of busy days, all we want is the chance of some time out, and lazy days in front of the TV-but hate it when we get it!??
However, hubby has next week off. so we are planning to go away for a few days to a pretty little Yorkshire village about an hour or so away. A change of scene will be nice, the weather forecast is pretty good, so hopefully some good meals out in some country pubs will cheer me up. Then it will be just a couple of weeks until my follow-up.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Big improvements :)

I have made a huge leap forward this week.
Pain seemed to start to reduce after hitting the three week mark. I have been able to crutch around a local shopping centre for between 60-90mins, and although I took loads of meds beforehand, wasn't anywhere near as sore as I expected afterwards and the following day. In actual fact, I felt the exercise did it good, so intend to try and walk (well crutch) a little each day
I have my first Physio apponitment on Thursday, which will be just over four weeks post-op. How sad has my life become, that I am ridiculously excited for this! It is in my village, which is great on one hand because it means that I can crutch there easily, and don't need to worry about transport, but not so good in that I won't get hydrotherapy, which is at the local hospital. I am quite looking forward to seeing the physios face when I tell her about the PAO surgery, because last time they were terrified to touch me not having dealt with a PAO before.
My incision is looking really good now the allergic reaction to the glue is clearing up. It is much smaller than before, and a straight line measuring about 8.5cms, which is covered by my underwear. I am amazed that such a huge surgery can be done through such a small cut.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

2 weeks

Well its 2 weeks since my second PAO, and the overall experience has been similar to the first time around.
I have experienced more pain and swelling (though much less bruising) than last time. The hip is stiffer and I find it harder to bend etc . I am using my grabber a lot more than previously, this may be due to not using NSAIDS this time due to gastic problems.,or possibly my unscheduled 'walk' without crutches-although I did experience the same before that. Pain is now back to where is was a week ago before I decided to be superwoman, and is about a 2-3 on a scale of 0-5.I am still waiting to hear back from Mr Witt to see if he is concerned about the WB but seing as its now 5 days since I contacted his secretary I presume he isn't!!
I feel better and less tired in myself. Reading my blog at the same time, I am about at the same stage and am able to get myself showered, dressed, and slowly crutch around . I can manage alone in the house making light meals etc and am feeling pretty smug at managing to have hoovered around the downstairs today. This wasn't easy, took a ridiculously long time and was fairly painful but with a very hairy Golden Retriever was necessary so I could then sit and relax without getting wound up by dog hairs. Pain relief at this time consists of Paracetamol, supplemented with Dihydrocodeine as needed, and heat and ice.

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

drama on arriving home!

The journey home yesterday was pretty easy, thanks to platform assistance from the rail company, and a borrowed wheelchair.
I was home for about half an hour when things took an eventful turn. My dad had picked us up from the station and came in for a chat. Hubby and daughter went out for a few mins, when dad had a coughing fit , stood up, fainted and banged his head. He is absolutely fine,thank goodness, but in my panic I totally forgot about my hip, leapt up and 'ran/limped/lurched' about 7 steps across the room without my crutches! It was only when he came around, and I knew he was ok, that I realised what I had done. The pain then was unbearable. I managed to get back to the sofa, but was in agony. After a few mins my leg started going into spasms and I was really scared that I had done something serious. Hubby came back then, was not happy, but got me some meds and ice and after a while things felt a bit easier.
I didn't sleep much that night, and decided I would ring the sec the today and if necessary get xrays done locally and email them through. First thing this morning it was still too painful to put any weight through (am allowed 50%) but it has improved as the day has gone on. I still think I might ring the sec tomorrow just for reassurance, otherwise I am going to spend the next 6 weeks worrying. I am pretty sure I haven't done anything, other than upset the muscles a bit, and can't believe I was so stupid in the first place, but it was just a natural reaction, I guess. I know a couple of other girls that have done similar things, and have the same surgeon, and everything has turned out fine-I think we just like to test his skills to the limit!

Hospital stay

Surgery was uneventful, and my OS was very pleased with the result.
I woke up in recovery, after having a GA and a spinal, with a PCA and an epidural containing LA directly into the joint. Apart from the usual itching due to the morphine, for which I was given IV piriton I felt pretty good, pain free and had a decent nights sleep.
Physio got me up the following morning and sat me in a chair for around 10mins before I started to feel faint and asked to be put back to bed. The nurse went to get help, but by the time she came back I was 'unresponsive' so crash team were called. There was a pretty dramatic few mins where they assessed me for clots, ECG etc before deciding my BP had crashed due to the epidural and it was merely a faint! Ordered back to bed and that was it for the rest of the day as I went light headed every time I sat up.
The second day the epidural was removed and I managed to walk a little in the morning and again in the afternoon, then the PCA and catheter were also removed.
Following day, I passed physio on the stairs and cleared to go home the next day, however my surgeon thought as I was travelling some distance an extra couple of days would be better-which suited me because I really didnt feel well enough to travel at that time. This meant due to bank holiday train cancellations I had to stay in hospital for the full week.
Also at this time my wound started to look gross-red, oozing and blistering and my temperature was spiking. They took blood tests and swabs, which I didnt hear the results of, so I presume they were normal. They monitored this for the next few days and decided it was an allergy to the glue used to close the incision, although this hasnt been seen before. By the time I went home, it hadn't got any worse and although they weren't too keen on discharging me with it looking so awful, I promised to go to the GP if it got worse. They removed as much glue as possible, added steristrips and allowed me to leave.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

2 weeks today

In 2 weeks time my second PAO will be over with. I can't help but feel excited that this signals the beginning of the end of my hip journey,and hope this hip is as successful and as straightforward as the right one was.

House is all cleaned (may have peaked a little early with that,knowing my lot),trains and hotels booked, most meals are prepared and frozen,and I have most things I need for the hospital.

Although nervous,I can't wait for the next two weeks to pass,then I can begin the road to recovery. Have lots of ideas for walking and hiking holidays next year, which we haven't been able to do for a long,long time, so am eager to get over the surgery and start getting stronger again.

Monday, 6 June 2011


Finally have a date for PAO number 2-Thurs 18th August!!

10 weeks to go....seems a long way off at the moment.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

And back on again...

Am now two days post-op for the scope. The op went really well, and recovery is fairly easy-am already walking without crutches in the house, and using one/two outside and have minimal pain.

The was more damage than expected in the joint including a labral tear and cartilage tears so a PAO is back on the cards-will be scheduled after my summer hols either late July/early August.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Or maybe not!!

Change of plan....Mr Witt has now decided to just do an Arthrscopy.

Guess the recovery will be tons easier.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Round 2....countdown to LPAO begins

LPAO booked for 19th April!!

I'm not sure if its easier knowing what to expect or not. At least I don't have the fear of the unknown, or the worry about how painful it will be because I know it will be well controlled, however there are a few memories I wish I didn't have!

I spent most of my day off yesterday wondering if I had done the right thing, but after an hour of standing on my feet at work today my hip caught badly and I could barely move for a while. Still pretty sore now, so I guess, yes I have made the right choice.

I am looking forward to getting this over and done with now, then physio for the third and hopefully final time and after 7 years of hip pain I will be able to get my life back and resume all the things I have gradually given up.

12 weeks and 4 days to get rightie a bit stronger to take its turn as the good hip......