Friday, 21 January 2011

Round 2....countdown to LPAO begins

LPAO booked for 19th April!!

I'm not sure if its easier knowing what to expect or not. At least I don't have the fear of the unknown, or the worry about how painful it will be because I know it will be well controlled, however there are a few memories I wish I didn't have!

I spent most of my day off yesterday wondering if I had done the right thing, but after an hour of standing on my feet at work today my hip caught badly and I could barely move for a while. Still pretty sore now, so I guess, yes I have made the right choice.

I am looking forward to getting this over and done with now, then physio for the third and hopefully final time and after 7 years of hip pain I will be able to get my life back and resume all the things I have gradually given up.

12 weeks and 4 days to get rightie a bit stronger to take its turn as the good hip......