Friday 6 March 2009

Some background info

I was diagnosed with hip dysplasia at around 15months which was treated successfully with a deroational osteotomy. This give me a normal, painfree childhood,and allowed me to take part in whatever sports and hobbies that I wanted to.
Fastforward to about four years ago, at the grand old age of 35,and after a few years of vague pains around my groin I began to experiance episodes of sharp groin pains enough to make me limp for short periods of time. These began to get more frequent and last longer so it was time to seek some help.
After a few months of physio, pain meds, anti-inflams, and cortisone injections, I was referred to a consultant for a Hip Arthroscopy.I had this in September 09, and spent 6 weeks on crutches.The pain didn't ever go away, and at 8 weeks post-op I was referred to Mr Witt at University College Hospital, London.
That brings me to where I am today( if anyone has got this far and is still awake).
I am due to have a RPAO on 12th May 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Oscar's mum! My story is almost identical.Was diagnosed with CHD at 3 months ,and had the same surgery,deroational osteotomy on my LH at 14 months.And like you after this surgery I have never experienced any issues through my childhood or early adulthood until I was about 36. Not a huge pain so far, but I did have to adjust some activities, specialty walking long distances.I have been going through NHS process for the past 12 months, seeing orthopaedic specialists,and taking different scans.It does take long and every time I was seen by a different consultant, giving me different opinions. Until recently,when I was offered the option to have PAO,most probably combined with FO due to the anatomy of my hip. However, I am scheduled for a routine key hole check first to see if it's worth to cut me open. Scans look promising, but they may not be 100% accurate,so my surgeon wants to perform this first. Iam 38now and I don't have children. I am in London ,so I would be very thankful if you could contact me and share the information about your surgeon Dr.Witt. (I read only good things about him),of course only if you are willing to. My name is Kristina and my email: . All the best!
