Tuesday, 23 June 2009


Well yesterday I went for my first physio appointment at my local hospital. My consultant recommended I start physio at 8 weeks when fully weight bearing, but I booked it for yesterday because I has a sneaky feeling what would happen.
The first thing she said to me was that there wasn't anyone in the department who knew what RPAO actually meant! ( Great start!) I explained and gave her the full name and she disappeared off to see if they had a protocol. Obviously they didn't, as expected, and I heard her asking a senior colleague what she should do. She returned and explained that no one in the department had ever treated a PAO patient and none of the Drs there did the procedure-surprise, thats why I had to travel the country to get it done! I told her my restrictions, but they were terrified to do anything without first speaking to my consultant.So she just measured my ROM and strength, told me to carry on with the exercises that the consultant had given me and come back in two week after she had the chance to speak to him. I expected all that anyway, so was glad that at least they will be equipped to start in two weeks when I will be almost full weight bearing.

On a side note, I am now 6 weeks post op and due to move onto 50% WB at the end of this week.
I have had a sudden increase in pain over the last few days around my coccyx and ischium area. I don't know if it is bone or muscle pain but seems to be increased when I do the side leg raises that the consultant gave me last week. I am going to ease off all the exercises for a couple of days and do ice and heat, then if its ok I intend to start increasing the WB and continue the exercises and hopefully it will settle down again when the joint gets stronger. If it doesn't improve by the end of the week I shall give Mr Witt a ring before starting any weight bearing.

Now the good news, although I took some painkillers at bedtime last night, I actually managed a full nights sleep for the first time without having to wake up to move my leg or position. :)
Everyone said this would take about 6 weeks and it was bang on!!
I can also lie on my operated side for as long as I want without pain. It hurts to roll over but is ok once I get there.So at 6 weeks the only thing that I can't do is weight bear and drive.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

1 month post-op check-up.

I am now 5 weeks post-op.

I went for my 1 month check up on Friday.

It was a long day, we caught the 8.00am train to get us into London just before 11am. I decided to manage without the wheelchair, which was probably a stupid idea, but I wanted to crutch in the hospital instead of him thinking I was being a wimp and needed the chair.
It took us about 2 hours to do the 20minute walk from the station to the hospital, but this was broken up by coffee, then lunch, and a rest every few minutes,lol.

The appointment went really well. I had x-rays taken first ,then saw the registrar. He compared the before and after x-rays, and confirmed that they had increased the CE angle from 6-23 degrees.
Then I saw the consultant. He examined my ROM and the incision and was pleased with the progress so far. I have been given a couple more exercises, and a third one to add in two more weeks, when the tendon that they cut will have healed.I have two more weeks on toe-touch weight bearing, and then two weeks on 50% WB before being able to go to one crutch.He gave me permission to try driving at 6 weeks post-op, but warned it might take a little longer until I am able to brake safely, so to just be the judge of that myself.I have also been given a physio referral for my local hospital that can be done from 8 weeks post-op, once I am fully weight bearing. I can return to work at around the 3 month mark, if I feel able to do so.
All in all I was pretty happy with that, and can't wait to move onto the next stage to be able to test out my new hip. Also I don't need to see him again until September, so that is great news!
We eventually got home about 9.30pm and I was absolutely shattered. Every part of me hurt, both hips, arms ,hands etc but had a great night sleep!

After an easy day on Saturday, we went out for a drive on Sunday, and stopped for lunch in a pretty little village with a farm shop that did the most gorgeous cream teas, yummy!! :)

I am starting to feel human again. The last 5 weeks have gone so quickly, and yet feel like ages.I finally feel as if there is light at the end of the tunnel , and am excited at the thought of being 'normal' again, and after years of pain will have the chance to live my life without it, and am looking forward to be able to do all the things that my friends take for granted. I know that once weight bearing starts there might be an increase of pain/soreness so am prepared for some rough times ahead. The pain , for me, was far worse pre-op than anything I have experienced since the surgery, so for those going into it, please bear that in mind.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

4 Weeks post-op

Recovery is continuing , but too slowly for my liking!

I can do more and more each day. I have managed hoovering , ironing, etc (all on one leg, lol) . Everything takes three times as long having to balance stuff on crutches, but its amazing how much is possible.

The big improvements this week are being able to get into the bath for a good long soak, and sleeping on my unoperated side for most of the night. I can also lay on my operated side for shorter periods. Basically there isn't anything I can't do now, except walk of course and raise my leg without using my hands.

I still get stiff and sore sometimes. I get different types of pain at different times, sometimes sharp and shooting down my leg, other times stabbing into the groin, or aching over my bum cheek, where the skin is often tender to touch too. I presume all this is perfectly normal and probably due to things healing and knitting back together.I also still have the grinding feeling in the joint that I have had from day one, but its not as often now, and I have also read that this is normal too.

Incision looks great now and I will post another photo of that very soon.

I have felt more tired the last couple of days, possibly because I have being doing more. We had a busy weekend- went out for tea on Friday, visited family on Sat then received an unexpected invitation to go out on Saturday evening.I was really wiped out on Sunday, and haven't really bounced back yet, even though I am sleeping better. I guess its a reminder that its still fairly early days yet.

I cancelled my appointment yesterday with my local OS who did my Arthroscopy. My hubby really couldn't take more time off work to take me,and I didn't think he could really examine me properly anyway, so have rescheduled that to October.
I see Mr Witt on Friday for the 1 month post-op appointment , so will update after I have seen him. I am pretty sure it will be uneventful and I think everything is healing as it should be.

I am also still amazed at the support that continues to come from all my hippy friends on injury update, hipwomen and through each others blogs etc. We are from all over the world and from a wide range of backgrounds, yet have been brought together through our dodgy hips. It feels like some of you have become my best friends and being able to share thoughts, vents, fears and triumphs will you all has been a privilege.
Hugs to you all. :)

Wednesday, 3 June 2009


Aaaargh!!!I am soooooooooooooo fed up!

It seems wrong to moan because I was so happy to get this surgery, and have had a text book recovery, but ,boy am I fed up! Bored just doesn't come close!I cried twice today, but haven't told my OH because he has been so good.

This is the second time in 8 months I have been on crutches, and the novelty has definately worn off. I am dreading having another 5 weeks before I can go down to one crutch, let alone drive-dunno when that will be!

I hate being stuck in, and am even missing work! My brain is turning to mush!

And the suns gone!!!!

I know the time is passing, and its worth it in the long run, blah blah, but I am really climbing the walls today.

On a side note, have not taken any pain meds at all the last couple of days, so thats good. I still have a mild ache sometimes but not enough to take painkillers. I am still waiting to sleep through the night, and wake several times to change positions, but can also lay on my stomach now too. I have tried the operated side, its possible, but not comfortable, so will wait awhile before trying that again.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Three weeks post-op

Not a great deal to report on the recovery front.

I feel great in myself. I don't feel as if I have had surgery ( except for the scar and the crutches of course). I am off all painkillers except for two Paracetamols at bedtime, and I might try without those tonight.

I can do most things for myself;

wash, shower dress myself,
use normal height toilets and chairs,
prepare quick meals,
sleep on my side( Yay!)
Sleep ok through the night, just waking to change positions sometimes.
Pick stuff up from the floor,
shave my legs,
paint my toenails,

I have got much quicker on the crutches although I find the hard pavements jar a little bit, so would still use a wheelchair if going out for long periods, and its easier on the arms too!
All the swelling has gone now, and left in its place a very pitiful, thin, atrophied leg, which I still need to move with my hands, but stuff like going up and down stairs is easy now.

I am finding new ways to do stuff everyday. Todays I realised that the wheelchair is so much more useful than I first thought-if I put a tray on the seat I can push food and drink around on it, and it also makes unloading the dishwasher, or transporting laundry easy!

All in all, things are going great-boredom is starting to settle in, and I really wish I was able to work from home, which isn't possible in my job, because I am definately well enough to start using my brain.

Next week I have two hospital appointments, one with the Dr who did my Arthroscopy, he wants to keep an eye on how things are progressing on Monday, and one with Mr Witt, my PAO surgeon on Friday. I am looking forward to seeing the x-rays, and finding out his long term opinions on my hip.I also intend to discuss the other hp with him to see if that will need a PAO or not. The dysplasia is milder on that side, so maybe not, but I have some pain and lots of popping so my guess is that something is not quite right.