Wednesday 22 April 2009

Not Again!

I don't believe this, I have gone back to work after a weeks annual holiday to find that next week I am down to work an extra 3 hours which is fine because someone is off but the following week ( the week leading up to my surgery ) I am expected to work an extra 10hours on top of my normal contracted hours. This takes me up to the amount of hours I was doing last year( before I had to reduce them due to being physically unable to stand for so long). I have not worked so many hours in 8 months, never mind the week leading up to my surgery, when I will have loads to do at home anyway, never mind being mega stressed out-which I am already!
Normally I would have a moan but do the hours anyway, but not this time. When I next see my boss I am going to tell her I just can't do it-surely they can't make me work over contract anyway.I am not going into surgery even more sore and knackered that usual.
I can't believe how insensitive they are being. They think I am off having fun over the summer.I really don't think they realise what a big deal a PAO is.
This is the last straw. I have dragged myself there, time after time,when I have been in too much pain to think straight, but not anymore. Once I am fit enough I will tell them where they can put their job! lol.
If anyone has managed to stay awake to the end of this post, well done , and thanks for letting me vent.

1 comment:

  1. I actually can't believe how awful they are being, and i almost (almost but not as i'm not that mean!) wish it upon them to see how they would like being treated this way before major surgery!! As if just knowing your having surgery isn't stressful enough? I know it is and even the most even keeled person freaks out now and then. I will be thinking of you sweetie, and pls don't do those extra hours as you'll just make yourself worse and worn out before you go in.
    Huggles Debbie x0x0x0x0x0x0
