Thursday 2 April 2009

Please stop me!

My healthy diet seems to have flown out of the window.

I have been doing great, lost ten pounds , only needed a couple more off and I would have been really pleased.

So what happened?
Couple of really bad days pain wise, needed to rest today, which I did , but needed some company- first to oblige me was the biscuit tin, munched my way through a fair few chocolate caramels, they needed some company, so a twirl followed, that was lonely too so a bag of quavers was sent in as reinforcements.I am now fighting the urge to add some cereal bars to the rest.
What happened to the healthy eating? There is a big bowl of fruit, yoghurts etc but its just not hitting the spot today!

Two weeks today to my pre-op appointment.
Need to start compiling a list of the questions that are still outstanding.
Can't believe its coming round so fast.


  1. It happens to us all, I think my body rebelled about 2 weeks before my op was due, and had enough of rice cakes, it wanted biscuits, and chocolate ones at that. Plus the biscuits started to talk to me - it was my duty to eat them!! 10 pounds is brilliant - well done you! one slip up is just fine and means you're only human. Keep going... only 2 weeks to go and the biscuits will be that little bit too far away to hobble to.

  2. Thanks, Im glad you have talking biscuits too!
    Any news on your date yet? I still can't believe how close you got, my heart goes out to you.
    Kate x
