Wednesday 8 April 2009


I had some sad news at work lately.
A colleague of mine was recently diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. He is only late forties, and in the last 4 months has gone from leading a normal, healthy life to being confined to a wheelchair. He has gone downhill so rapidly, his future does not look good. It is such a cruel illness. It really does put things into perspective when it happens to someone that you know. He is a really nice bloke.

It made me realise that no matter how much pain my hips might cause me, it is really not that bad. At some point I will get through this time, and will look back at just a short part of my life that was temporarily disrupted by hip dysplasia. Bilateral PAOs or THRs are not life threatening by any means and there is always someone that is worse off than you are. It is too easy to get wrapped up in yourself and forget that there are others facing much worse things.


  1. Gosh yes it does put it in perspective, sometimes we are wrapped up in chronic pain and deep depression, but least i have hips to feel even if they are sore all the time!! I'd rather that than none at all. xx Sorry for your friend it's so harsh to be dealt that blow xx

  2. Thanks Hunnixx Its a good reality check, it hits home when it is someone you see daily.
    Not long now until your appointment- countdown going quickly!
