Tuesday 19 May 2009

1 Week post-op

Hi Kate here, back in the land of the living. Thanks Becky for updating this for me.Sorry for not updating more in the last few days.

The last few days in hospital passed fairly uneventfully. I had some issues with the diclofenac causing stomach pains, so was taken off them last night and have felt much better since.

I escaped at ten o'clock this morning. Have spent today watching TV and sleeping in the hotel, then we attempted my first outing. Complete with wheelchair and crutches we went to a nearby pub for some tea. It was nice to get back into the real world, although sitting is pretty uncomfortable, so it was a quick meal and back to the hotel bed. However, I feel like I have accomplished quite a lot already considering where I was a week ago today.
So far I can get in and out of bed by myself,
Get washed and dressed without help ( apart from sock and shoes),
crutch short distances, and sit for short periods before getting uncomfortable.

I am on paracetamol and dihydrocodeine every 6 hours, which is controlling the pain pretty well. I plan to cut down on these once we get home tomorrow, but have got a three hour train journey to get through first.

I have to keep wearing the teds until I get more active, and can't do straight leg raises, but apart from that, and toe-touch weight bearing only, I have no restrictions.

I have not found this anywhere near as difficult or painful as I expected, but have had amazing support from my husband, and don't think the experience would have been as easy if he hadn't been by my side. I love him so much.

Will update more when I get home.
Thanks for all the support and good wishes from family, friends and fellow hippies.


  1. Sending you lots of good vibes for painless travelling.

    Thanks for sharing your journey. I'm due into UCH in July, so it's a *huge* help to have your experiences to read.

    SW Hippie

  2. Hey hippy girl, i'm so impressed with now far you've come in one week!! Been inspiring to read, and i'm sure it will be so helpful to others embarking on their journey. xx

  3. Kieron,
    Thats why I am doing this blog. Its not so scary or painful as you think. Also don't take too much notice of the moaning about the nurses in my earlier posts, the patient opposite to me turned out to be very ill, so they were taken up with her for a day or two until she was moved.
    After that, bar the odd HCA, they were all ok.

    Thanks hunni,
    It will soon be your turn to be 'on the other side' and its a great feeling!
    Kate x
