Wednesday 6 May 2009

Almost there

Only another five days to go!!!

Am gradually working my way down my list of 'lasts'.

Last haircut,
Last night out ,
Last day at work-still got that one to do.

At this point I am alternating between being fairly calm and resigned to the fact that for the next 6 weeks or so my life is basically on hold whilst I recover , and being downright terrified! I had a moment today when I really felt like picking up the phone and calling the whole thing off! But I got through that, and I know that I would bitterly regret it if I did.I am not scared about the anaesthetic, or have any worries that something will go wrong, its just the unknown and the fact that as much as I have read lots of other blogs, and am really prepared in that way, I have really no idea at all how much pain I am going to be in, and can't imagine what that will feel like.
Oh well, will soon find out.

I have picked up a wheelchair that I have hired until 1st July. I hate being stuck in the house so I am hoping that it will enable me to get out a bit in those first few weeks. All the other wonderful aids that I am to be given are due to arrive sometime whilst I am in hospital.

I was so grateful yesterday, when I had a meeting with someone who had a very bad cold and she rang me to cancel as she was concerned that she would pass it on and then I might have had the surgery cancelled. That was really thoughtful of her and I can't thank her enough, as I would have been in a difficult position if she had turned up. I would have felt like running a mile (well ok then, hobbling quickly) away, but would have had to sat through it. I am a bit paranoid at the minute in case I get anything, normally I am not the least bit bothered about things like that- I would be gutted to have got to the last stage and have it cancelled,( Hobbling Helly , I really feel for you on that one! )

So everything is done now, just got to get through the last few days of waiting.


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