Friday 22 May 2009

Bad Move!

Yesterday, I decided as things were going really well I would try and reduce some of the pain meds. I have already cut out the Diclofenac, but thought I could cut down the codeine too. I was taking eight a day, and needless to say was getting major constipation issues. So as the pain was well controlled I thought I could cut them out during the day, and just manage on Paracetamol.

Bad idea!!

You would think after months of reading every word on other hip chicks blogs I would have remembered their advice of keeping on top of the pain. No, I thought I was superwoman, and soon found out that I wasn't!! I ended up in more pain than I had been since just coming out of surgery, and it took a good few hours to get back on top of it.

So the moral of this post, to those of you still to do the great PAO journey, please remember not to be in too much of a rush to get off the meds, its not a race, and its better to take some and keep on top of the pain.
On the bright side though, at least I know that I still need them. I intend to take 6 over then next day or so, then cut down to four, before trying to be Superwoman again!

Apart from that, things are going great. I am getting more mobile on the crutches, and feel less tired in myself.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you pushed too hard, but it'shard not too sometimes, and at least now you know your limits. Well done for coming so far though!! xx
