Wednesday 13 May 2009

Tuesday 12th May - Surgery Day!

Kate here -
Hi, Becky is posting this for me as I can't log onto my blog for some reason, so will send updates via Becky while I am in hospital, but I won't be able to reply to any comments so please don't think I'm being rude - lol!

Got up 5:30am for a shower and last hair wash then left the hotel about 6:30am for steady walk to the hospital. The admissions lounge opened at 7am, and once there things moved pretty quickly. I was first on the list so quickly went through the usual blood pressure and health checks before being seen by the Consultant and Anesthetist. I was taken down to theater at 8am, where i was then asked to change into a gown and anti-embolic stocking on my good leg. At about 8:30am I was taken into anesthetic room. I was given a GA and once asleep they gave me a spinal and a catheter.
I came round in recovery about 12:30pm, and had to wait for a bed so was taken to the ward at about 3:00pm. The pair was very well controlled, initially with they spinal, then with a morphine PCA pump, diclofenac and paracetamols. The only problems is the intense itching from morphine, but that improved after piriton through the IV.
Ian and Becky came to see me about half past 3 and stayed for a couple of hours whilst I attempted a little beef stew and some fruit. By 5:30 I was completely wiped out so they left and i slept for the rest of the night.

1 comment:

  1. You look so young and fresh as a daisy!!! Sounds like it went like clockwork sweetie, thinking of you x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x
